New update: Version

Timo News 35 Comments

Today I released a new update to version In the main, this version brings a better error handling and a debug mode. This can come in handy when it comes to errors with your connection to the Amazon webservice. When the connection to the webservice results in an error, it will be shown on the plugin’s setup panel. A list of common errors can be found here:
The debug mode can be activated on the setup panel by clicking the option “Activate debugging”. The debugging information will be shown in the textbox below this option. Do not forget to deactivate debugging when you do not need it anymore.

After the update you will find the option “

Some minor bugfixes round up this update.




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13 years ago

great works, for updating. your plugin work very well

13 years ago

I want to use ASA Sidebar Widget arrange in horizontally (Leaderboard). How can I modify the code??

13 years ago

hallo timo,
currently I am using this plugin, it’s really cool, but I have a question..
is there possibility to add amazon customer review to the post?

13 years ago

This is a great plugin. Just have a few suggestions.

In AsaCore.php, there is a line says:

<img src="plugin_dir; ?>/img/misc_add_small.gif” /> Add Amazon item (ASIN):

“bloginfo(‘url’) should really be “bloginfo(‘wpurl’) because not everyone install wordpress in root directory.

2nd suggestion is if you can make the collections form automatically select the collection that is last used by the add function? So people don’t have to make the collection’s selection every time when they are adding to the same collection.


13 years ago

Hello Timo,

I updated the plugin a few minutes ago from version 0.9.10 to the newest version. The custom templates are deleted, only the “normal” templates are in the tpl-folder.

No problem, it’s alle backuped but I didn’t expect to fix it … Anywhy, I hope the feedback will help to improve this great plugin.

greets, Ralf

13 years ago

Hey Timo,

I was wondering if you could integrate a placeholder option in case a particular piece of information (e.g. price, customer rating etc.) is not or not yet available on Amazon.

Right now if a piece of information is unavailable, there is only blank space which can mess up with your design…

Thanks in advance!


PS: Love your plugin!

13 years ago

By the way, I am unable to deactivate the debugging. Whenever I tick the box and update the options, the debugging is still ticked and activated afterwards. Might be a bug.

13 years ago

Thanks from Germany! Definitely the best Amazon-Plugin!

Lola LB
Lola LB
13 years ago

Is the plugin compatible with WP 3.3.1?

13 years ago

Just want to say thanks for this great plugin!


13 years ago

Hey Timo,

I guess I discovered a bug in your plugin.

When there are more than 1000 customer reviews for an item, the plugin shows only 1 customer review. How can I fix this?



13 years ago

Cool, thanks!

By the way, I found another one.

I tried using {$AmazonPrice} instead of the {$AmazonPriceFormatted} placeholder, because I wanted my currency to be “€” instead of “EUR”. However, some of the items (the ones where there are only used offers and no new one) still display the EUR at the end instead of just showing the amount (how it should be).

Is there a fix for this or is there any other way to display the amazon price with the € currency sign instead of EUR?

Thanks in advance!

PS: I just donated 5 € 😉

Reply to  Timo
13 years ago

Yeah, I guess it would be better to use the non-formatted lowest offer price if there is no other price available.

You don’t have to, but it would be cool if you could send me a test version 😉

13 years ago

By the way, I’ve got an idea for a new feature to be added.

It would be cool to have the option to have a different tag for every template instead of having only one global tag.

It could be implemented like this:

[asa templatename tag=another-partner-id-21]XXXXXXXXX[/asa]

13 years ago

Nice plugin Timo…
i’ve basic question if you don’t mind:

I often notice that it showed “price:-” and “0 used & new available from”. is that mean the product isn’t available at that time? if it does, it would be great if the plugin can alert about products’ availability (on dashboard) so we won’t advertise an empty stuff 🙂

great works