Great plugin. I was wondering if it would be possible to replace those dashes ” —— ” with “Too Low to Display” Sometimes amazon won’t show the price unless they have the item in shopping cart.
Hi Marek,
this is possible with the new placeholders {$OffersMainPrice…}, e.g. {$OffersMainPriceFormattedPrice}.
It always keeps the main price only which is delivered by the Amazon API. Not the lowest new or used price. And if the main price is not set / empty, you can enter a text in the options which should be shown instead. The option label is “Empty main price text”.
Check the new placeholders at the end of the table on: http://www.wp-amazon-plugin.com/placeholders/
Awesome Thank you.
Just updated to latest version.
BTY, is it possible to replace amazon’s default star rating images with my own stored on my server ?
Sure, use placeholder {$AverageRating}. It keeps a numeric value of the average rating, like “4.2”.
You just have to create some image for every possible number, like stars-4.2.png, stars-4.3.png, stars-4.4.png and so on and place them on your server. Then use the placeholder like this:
<img src="public/path/on/your/server/stars-{$AverageRating}.png">
Got it? 😉
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