Some placeholders not working on certain products

  • June 27, 2012 at 11:11 #490


    I find that on some products the Amazon placeholders are only partially populated. For example on this ASIN: B004P0XQYS

    In my template the List Price seems to work. The Star rating seems to work
    The Number of customer reviews seems to work.

    The Amazon price does NOT work
    The amount saved does NOT work
    The percentage saved does NOT work
    The number available does NOT work

    I have’t tested all the placeholders, these are simply the ones that my plugin require that’s not being populated.

    Great plugin. Thanks.

    June 27, 2012 at 11:36 #491

    I have resolved this. The ASIN number posted on these products are actually different from that in the URL. Using the number in the URL works, the one published on the listing doesn’t.

    July 9, 2012 at 14:01 #572

    sorry for my late reply, I was on vacation.
    According to my experience, some products return different values as it shows on the Amazon page.
    Nevertheless I updated the calculation of the AmazonPrice placeholder in the meantime. It is being tested until it gets to the next official release. You can grab this file and replace it in your plugin root dir if you like to test it too:

    July 10, 2012 at 10:20 #576

    Timo – thanks for the update. I’m testing the new core. We seem to have issues quite often with the % discount not always being displayed, even if the Price and the List Price on Amazon is different. Example: B0043XX89K

    The other issue that seems to pop up often is that no data is displayed if the item actually has options on Amazon that the user needs to select, all of which may have a different price.

    Here’s an example item: B0071446H6

    July 10, 2012 at 14:29 #577

    Thanks for testing the new version. I checked the two ASINs. The XML source returned by the Amazon webservice does not contain any information about the percentage saved (first one) and price options (second one, just the list price). As I experienced in the past, there are some cases which are not covered by the webservice yet. I check the official forums ( for these issues but could not find a glue yet. I’d like to improve the plugin to handle this but at the moment I think it’s an Amazon issue. If you have an idea, please let me know.

    July 12, 2012 at 16:51 #578

    Hello! I’m having this problem, too, which you can see in the right-hand sidebar:

    I’ve input the new code AsaCore.php, but it didn’t seem to help.

    July 12, 2012 at 21:07 #580

    Hi Ruth, thanks fir your feedback. I am on vacation till the end of this week. I’ll check this as soon as possible when I am back.

    July 12, 2012 at 22:11 #581
    Ruthanne Reid

    Okay! I appreciate it. I love this plugin, by the way – it’s exactly what I needed.

    July 22, 2012 at 09:25 #607

    Ok, this is a known problem. Unfortunately the Amazon webservice does not support Kindle prices at the moment.
    It’s already in the FAQ
    Also described in the AWS forums:

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