Announcing version 0.9.12

Timo News 6 Comments

As promised some days ago, a new version of AmazonSimpleAdmin is now available.

A new feature is an option in the cache setup panel “Do not use cache when logged in as admin“. If checked the plugin will not load the products on a page from cache when you are logged in as admin.

Another cool feature is the possibility to place your custom template files in a subdirectory of your theme. The dir name has to be wp-content/themes/[your-theme]/asa”. This is just optional! You do not have to change anything.

Also this version brings some new placeholders. With {$TrackingId} you can include your Amazon Tracking ID into your custom template. {$ProductReviewsURL} keeps the URL to the product review page and {$AmazonShopURL} is the homepage of the Amazon country store you have defined as default in the plugin options (like or

Many users have asked how to nicer format the ReleaseDate of a product. This version now formats the release date automatically and uses the date format configured in the blog options.

I hope you like the updates. Please let me know.

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Here is the complete list of changes:

[unordered_list style=”tick”]
  • New feature: New cache option: Do not use cache when logged in as admin
  • New feature: Now you can place your template files in your theme directory in a subdirectory called “wp-content/themes/[your-theme]/asa”. Supported file extensions are “.htm” and “.html”. This is optional, the subdirectory “tpl” of the plugin directory will work as usual.
  • New placeholder: {$TrackingId}
  • New placeholder: {$AmazonShopURL}
  • New placeholder: {$ProductReviewsURL}
  • Improvement: Added collection name filtering
  • Improvement: Collections are tested successfully in WordPress Multisite environment
  • Bugfix: asa / asa_collection shortcode regex fix
  • Bugfix: Collection browse select will keep the selected item
  • Fix: Removed PHP notices
  • Fix: PHP Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! on menu creation
[/unordered_list] Download AmazonSimpleAdmin
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10 years ago

Love your plugin. Just found it, installed and have customized the template to fit the look of my site. Just one thing I can’t figure out. Where does it get the sizes for ImageWidth? The small and medium are too small and the large is too large. I post books on my site and want the cover image to look similar to what someone would see on Amazon. Most of the time it is around 200×311. Can I specific a similar size? Thanks for your time.

9 years ago

Hmm, dieses Plugin ist die Hölle. Leider gibt es kaum Plugin-Erweiterungen die eine ordentliche Einbindung gewährleisten.

Schlimm. Ich hoffe, dass die zweite Version annährend ein Beschreibung enthält und weniger Kopfschmerzen verursacht.

Trotzdem Danke. Ist ja kostenlos, lieber hätte ich 100€ bezahlt und was anständiges bekommen, als nur zwei Räder mit Rahmen.


9 years ago

Hallo Timo. Gerne, habe mich für ASA 2 angemeldet.

Ich habe jetzt eine ziemlich gute Anleitung gefunden ( Die letzten 6 Stunden waren umsonst, damit habe ich alle meine ASA-Probleme gelöst.

Du wirst es nicht glauben, es funktioniert und ist ziemlich leicht durch die Shortcodes. 🙂 Die paar Stunden Arbeit haben sich gelohnt.


p.s. Sorry für die ausfallenden Worte.