Bug with multi domain and domain mapping

  • April 2, 2015 um 06:14 Uhr #13362
    Lumiere de Lune


    I use ASA on multisite with domain mapping activated, and I cannot display anything on a sub-site, its just blank.

    No error in the logs, the ids, aws key and so on are correct, and all the asins DO exist on Amazon.

    The same products are perfectly displayed on the main site.

    Looking at the source code, I noticed an incorrect url that might be the reason :

    {var data={action:'asa_async_load',asin:'B005AH1LRE',tpl:'pdt_small',params:'[]',nonce:'44a954a2fa'};if(typeof ajaxurl=='undefined'){var ajaxurl='http://example.com//wp-admin/admin-ajax.php'}

    1- note the double /
    2- example.com is the main domain, not the mapped sub-domain, neither the sub-domain

    This seems to be linked to a recent update.

    April 4, 2015 um 08:54 Uhr #13363

    This is just a fallback if the Javascript variable „ajaxurl“ is not already defined, what should be the case if you are using WordPress newer than version 2.8 (see http://codex.wordpress.org/AJAX_in_Plugins).
    So I guess the definition in your quote will not be used.
    As you already sent me an email I will contact you to check this out on your blog.

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