Best template for feeds/bestsellers?

  • März 2, 2018 um 21:17 Uhr #14584

    Hi, any ideas on best template to use for feeds/bestsellers?

    I have tried


    Cannot get either to look good?
    They all look to big even with image set to small?

    Flex does work with limit=


    März 3, 2018 um 14:20 Uhr #14585

    Thanks for your feedback. It’s hard to tell without knowing what kind of design idea you have. Would you prefer a more compact view than the templates currently offer? Do you have an example of how you imagine it?

    März 4, 2018 um 19:20 Uhr #14586

    Hi and thanks for reply,

    If it looked like the example on columns template page i would be happy, but it does not not!

    I have tried with both column layout and flex, this current attempt with flex

    [asa2_feed limit=“50″ tplid=“17″ image_size=“small“]1[/asa2_feed]

    you can see the results here


    März 5, 2018 um 21:37 Uhr #14587

    Thanks for the example!

    Now I could see what the problem is. The Flex Template still needs a CSS rule for the automatic height of the images. This will follow with the next update. Until then, you can use this simple workaround: In the ASA2 area „Service“ enter the following CSS in the box „Custom Frontend CSS“:

    .asa2-flex-1 img {
    height: auto;

    like this:

    After that you can try it with more columns than 3. This can be set in the template options of „Flex_1“. Or dynamically with shortcode option „max_row_items“, like this:

    [asa2_feed limit=“50″ tplid=“17″ image_size=“small“ max_row_items=“5″]1[/asa2_feed]

    I hope I was able to help you. If you still have questions, please let me know.

    • Diese Antwort wurde vor 6 Jahren, 11 Monaten von Timo geändert.
    • Diese Antwort wurde vor 6 Jahren, 11 Monaten von Timo geändert.
    März 13, 2018 um 20:07 Uhr #14596

    Hi, sorry for delay in replying.

    Tried adding the css code and trying your shortcode options, row height working now, but it certainly is not show 50 products, only 3 items per row.

    see here.


    März 13, 2018 um 20:22 Uhr #14598

    This is because Amazon only delivers the top 10 products for a news feed. Therefore, with the shortcode asa2_feed only 10 results are possible at the moment. Maybe you can work with the short code asa2_smart_collection ( and the categories or tags that can be set automatically for the products of a news feed.

    März 13, 2018 um 20:29 Uhr #14599

    Also what i have noticed is that when setting the column number in the template customize, the number is not reflected in display, ie set for 2 and only see 1, set for 6 and see 5, set for 7 see 5?

    [asa2_feed limit=“18″ tplid=“17″ image_size=“small“ max_row_items=“6″]3[/asa2_feed]

    currently using this short code for page in previous post, as you can see the feed limit and max rows is not being used?

    März 13, 2018 um 22:13 Uhr #14600

    The number of columns is related to the maximum width value, which you can also adjust in the template settings.

    You have configured a max width of 1200 pixel for 7 columns. This results in a width of approx. 172 px per product. The content area of your page is 960 pixels wide. 960 divided by 172 gives space for 5 columns. If you reduce the max width setting to 900, you will get 7 columns. 🙂

    [asa2_feed tplid=“17″ image_size=“small“ max_row_items=“7″ max_width=“900″]3[/asa2_feed]

    Just play a bit with several combinations of max_width and max_row_items to get your preferred layout.

    As mentioned earlier, feed limits above 10 don’t make sense as feeds currently only support 10 items (the top 10 delivered by Amazon’s RSS feeds).

    März 15, 2018 um 17:17 Uhr #14601


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