I don’t understand this issue at all. Running the latest version of everything, I disabled all plugins but this one, and the problem is still occuring.
Here is my post content from post #270
[asa atoz]B00DU2IYVM[\asa]
[asa atoz]B00B5J4T7U[\asa][asa atoz]B00AEGD5XY[\asa]
And here is the post content from post #283
[asa atoz]B00ALI9TSK[/asa][asa atoz]B00FHFNU0K[/asa]
[asa atoz]B00B9304US[/asa]
Now, #283 displays correctly… image, text, nice and awesome. #270 displays like this:
6/27/14 Free Kindle Books Part 2
I tried not using my custom template, doesn’t work. I stripped every plug in… nothing. This isn’t a huge website… it’s actually pretty simplistic… but I can’t have things displaying like that… it just doesn’t work for me. What’s going on?