
Forum Replies Created

  • In reply to: Wrong category (cat_slug) is shown

    February 21, 2017 at 11:33 #14139


    I am not sure if your shortcodes are right or got changed here by the forum syntax parser, but that option part looks wrong:

    Option s should contain a search string. In your example it includes the other option cat_slug. I think you do not need option s at all because you just want to filter for cat_slug.

    So I think your shortcodes should look like this:

    [asa2_smart_collection tpl="Sortable_table" cat_slug="top-10-expresso-automatic-coffee-machines" /]

    [asa2_smart_collection tpl="Sortable_table" cat_slug="top-10-expresso-coffee-machines" /]

    More details about the options for shortcode asa2_smart_collection can be found here: http://docs.getasa2.com/shortcodes_asa2_smart_collection.html#cat-slug

    In reply to: Sometimes Image is not loading.

    January 3, 2017 at 21:13 #14135

    Can you please send me the URL of that page? The screenshot is hard to debug? 😉

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Timo.

    In reply to: Review Information is not updating

    December 31, 2016 at 12:17 #14132

    The advanced ratings handling mode is now available with ASA 2 version 1.6. Please check out the blog post: http://www.wp-amazon-plugin.com/forums/topic/custom-template-creation/

    All the details about the advanced mode you can find here: http://docs.getasa2.com/ratings.html


    With version 1.6 of ASA 2, the ratings support has been greatly improved. Please see the post about the update: http://www.wp-amazon-plugin.com/2016/14114/asa-2-end-of-the-year-release-of-version-1-6/

    In reply to: Bewertungen & Sternchen

    December 31, 2016 at 10:46 #14113

    Hi Henrik,
    das ASA 2 Update auf Version 1.6 ist heute veröffentlicht worden. Es bringt den fortgeschrittenen Modus für das Einlesen der Bewertungen, siehe: http://docs.getasa2.com/ratings.html

    In reply to: Custom template creation

    December 29, 2016 at 15:01 #14110

    Thanks for your request. This is possible with ASA 2’s template feature “Surrounding container”. You will find it on the bottom on the template form page. There you can insert the outer table HTML while the row (<tr>…</tr>) should be placed in the default code section. Then you can combine this template with a collection or better smart_collection where you can filter by category, like this:

    [asa2_smart_collection cat_slug="star-wars" tpl="table_layout" /]

    To learn more about what I used, please check the documentation page about “Surrounding container”: http://docs.getasa2.com/templates_surrounding_container.html
    About how to filter for categories, please see http://docs.getasa2.com/shortcodes_asa2_smart_collection.html#cat

    I hope I was able to help you. If you still have questions, please let me know.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Timo.

    In reply to: Review Information is not updating

    December 27, 2016 at 17:20 #14104

    Hi, thanks for your feedback. That is a known issue and an update for ASA 2 is already prepared. It will be available within the next few days. It features an advanced mode for the ratings handling which solves the issue.

    In reply to: Frontend template for Repo Items

    December 12, 2016 at 23:20 #14101

    Ok, great! That is what I was about to do. Let me know if you need further assistance with the category pages.

    In reply to: Frontend template for Repo Items

    December 11, 2016 at 11:39 #14098

    Thanks for your feedback. I will check that and let you know.

    In reply to: Please fix AsaWidget.php for PHP v7

    November 29, 2016 at 22:02 #14095

    Sure, I will release an update for ASA 1 including a fix for this soon!

    In reply to: Bewertungen & Sternchen

    November 28, 2016 at 22:32 #14093

    Hallo Henrik,
    ja, es gibt Neuigkeiten. Der erweiterte Modus zur Behandlung der Bewertungen in ASA 2 läuft im Testbetrieb sehr gut. Er ist optional zuschaltbar und gibt uns viele neue Mittel an die Hand, um die Anzeige der Bewertungssterne zu gewährleisten. Das wird demnächst mit Version 1.6 verfügbar sein. Wann exakt kann ich nicht sagen, sehr bald jedenfalls. Du kannst es hier im Blog lesen.

    In reply to: ASA 1 keine Ausgabe wegen Theme? (MH Magazin Theme)

    November 21, 2016 at 21:03 #14085

    Danke. Ich kümmere mich darum.

    In reply to: ASA 1 keine Ausgabe wegen Theme? (MH Magazin Theme)

    November 16, 2016 at 13:46 #14083

    Aus der Ferne sehr schwer zu sagen, was es sein könnte. Hast du evtl. ein Cache-Plugin laufen, dass die Seiten ohne asa Shortcode im Speicher hat? Im Zweifelsfall mal alle Caches deaktivieren bzw. leeren.

    Ansonsten erstelle mir doch bitte ein Ticket unter http://www.ifeelweb.de/support/ am besten inklusive temporärer Zugangsdaten zu deiner Seite, damit ich mir das mal aus der Nähe ansehen kann. 🙂

    In reply to: Best Seller Feed

    November 13, 2016 at 17:21 #14076

    The 0 new and used are for items with variations. You can recognize products with variations on the price span, like for the first one Price: $25.00 – $430.00. The new and used prices are available on a selected variation only.
    When I open the page, I can see 10 items. That looks good. To make sure that the those items are correct, you could compare them to the feed on the Amazon page.

    In reply to: Nicht mehr existierende Produkte

    November 6, 2016 at 19:34 #14074

    Hi Tobias,

    ich kann die beiden Produkte jetzt leider nicht mehr ins Repo einfügen, weil sie ja nicht mehr verfügbar sind. Wie werden sie bei dir im Repo denn angezeigt und bist du sicher, dass sie bereits aktualisiert wurden? Kannst du sie mal händisch im Repo aktualisieren und schauen was passiert?