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This is a list of all currently supported placeholders you can use in the template files.
Placeholder | Description |
{$ASIN} | The ASIN code |
{$SmallImageUrl} | URL of the small product image |
{$SmallImageWidth} | The width of the small image |
{$SmallImageHeight} | The height of the small image |
{$MediumImageUrl} | URL of the medium product image |
{$MediumImageWidth} | The width of the medium image |
{$MediumImageHeight} | The height of the medium image |
{$LargeImageUrl} | URL of the large product image |
{$LargeImageWidth} | The width of the large image |
{$LargeImageHeight} | The height of the large image |
{$Label} | The product label, like “Walt Disney Pictures“ |
{$Manufacturer} | The product manufacturer, like “Walt Disney Pictures“ |
{$Publisher} | The product publisher, like “Walt Disney Pictures“ |
{$Studio} | The product studio, like “Walt Disney Pictures“ |
{$Title} | Product title |
{$AmazonUrl} | URL to the Amazon shop page of the product including your tracking ID |
{$TotalOffers} | The number of total offers |
{$LowestOfferPrice} | The lowest offer price without currency |
{$LowestOfferCurrency} | The lowest offer currency without price |
{$LowestOfferFormattedPrice} | The lowest offer price with currency |
{$LowestNewOfferFormattedPrice} | The lowest new offer price with currency |
{$LowestUsedOfferFormattedPrice} | The lowest used offer price with currency |
{$AmazonPrice} | The Amazon price without currency |
{$AmazonPriceFormatted} | The Amazon price with currency. This should be used as the major price placeholder. |
{$AmazonCurrency} | The Amazon currency without price |
{$ListPriceFormatted} | The list price with currency |
{$ListPrice->CurrencyCode} | Currency of the list price |
{$PercentageSaved} | The percentage saved compared to the list price |
{$AmountSaved->FormattedPrice} | The formatted saved amount with currency |
{$AmazonAvailability} | The product’s availability |
{$AmazonLogoSmallUrl} | URL of the small Amazon logo |
{$AmazonLogoLargeUrl} | URL of the large Amazon logo |
{$DetailPageURL} | URL to the product detail page |
{$Platform} | The product platform, like “PlayStation 3“ or “Windows“ |
{$ISBN} | The product ISBN for books |
{$EAN} | The product EAN, like 0886974469926 |
{$NumberOfPages} | The number of pages, usually empty |
{$ReleaseDate} | The release date of the product |
{$Binding} | The product binding, e.g. MP3-Download or Blu-ray |
{$Author} | The author of a book |
{$Creator} | The product creator, like for MP3-Downloads “Roy Orbison“ (the artist) |
{$Edition} | The product edition |
{$Director} | The director of a movie |
{$Actors} | The actors of a movie |
{$RunningTime} | The running time of a movie in minutes |
{$Format} | The product format, like “CD“ for a Blu-ray: AC-3, Closed-captioned, Color, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, Special Edition, Subtitled, Widescreen |
{$CustomRating} | Could be used to place your own rating in the asa-tag: |
{$Artist} | The product artist, like for music CDs “Adele“ |
{$Comment} | Your own comment. You can write a comment directly in the asa-tag:[asa comment="my comment"]ASIN[/asa]
{$Class} | Can be used to set a custom CSS class. Set the value directly in the asa-tag:[asa class="my_class"]ASIN[/asa]
{$Model} | The product model, like “PC 151“ |
{$IFrameURL} | Link to the user reviews page |
{$Prime} | Shows “AmazonPrime” if product is prime |
{$PrimePic} | Shows prime icon if product is prime |
{$OffersMainPriceAmount} | Always keeps the main Amazon price. You can set the text it should show if the price is empty. |
{$OffersMainPriceCurrencyCode} | The main price currency code. |
{$OffersMainPriceFormattedPrice} | Always keeps the main Amazon formatted price (with currency code). You can set the text it should show if the price is empty in the options (“Empty main price text”) |
{$Features} | A list of product features (if applicable, not every product has features data) |
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Hi mate,
Loving your plugin so far. I am having a slight issue, I’m using the percentage saved place holder. On one or two products it doesn’t seem to pull the data and I’m not sure why. I’ve checked the product on amazon and there is the discount percentage on the product so I’m not sure what could be causing it.
If you have any suggestions that would be great!
Hi Adam,
thanks for your feedback. Could you please give me the ASINs of those products with the percentage issue and your country code?
Sure mate,
B001CBWAU4, B00132DLVE and I’m using the UK country code. It’s a bit strange as the others ASIN I am using are working perfectly.
Thanks for getting back to me.
Hi! It’s a Very nice plugin!
I tried to set, which, I have {$RatingStars} and {$AverageRating} and {$TotalReviews} did not work.(JP Locale / Ver.
Why do I fix this?
Hi Elma,
could you please show me which product ASIN you use. I’d like to test it for myself.
Hi Timo,
ASIN number did not go well is B0006GASAA.
Thank you.
Hi Elma,
please replace the file AsaCustomerReviews.php in the plugin root directory with this one:
This should fix the problem.
Hi Timo,
Amazing! Thank you for support!
Rating star is very nice!
Japanese is garbled and the alt attribute of the {$ RatingStars} in {$ AverageRating}.
I did not go well even if the UTF-8 to the AsaCustomerReviews.php.
Is anyone getting an additional closing tag in their source code. I’ve checked and double checked my templates and all paragraphs are opened and closed properly and there are no loose ends, but when I check the source code of my live page I get a load of errors and there is a tag placed near the end of the code – don’t know where it’s coming from.
Through trial and error I’ve got rid of the erroneous tag by removing all blank spaces and line breaks in my code. If the code just runs in one continuous line then it’s fine, if you add a line break or space you get an erroneous tag – very annoying.
Hi Evie,
thanks for your feedback. Could you please send me your code which produced the errors. I want to check if I could improve the plugin’s behaviour to avoid the problems.
Hi Timo,
Your ASA is very flexible. But, I’m at a lost on where the tpl directory is. Can you guide me as I’m unsure if I have installed the plugin completely?
thank you.
Hi Con,
thanks for your feedback. The tpl dir should be in (your-WP)/wp-content/plugins/amazonsimpleadmin/
Where (your-WP) is your WP install root directory.
Hi, Is there a way to use this image that the shortcode posts as the featured image?
Hi Thierry,
By default WordPress does not let you set a featured image from an external URL. And the plugin does not support an alternate method for that so far. I will add this suggestion to the feature request list.
Is there a way to limit the placeholder {$Title} to a maximum length of for example 45 characters?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi Moritz,
thanks for your feedback. Manipulation the output of a placeholder is not supported with the current version. This feature is planned for the future. By now there is maybe a solution with CSS and a fixed width container or something like that…
Can you do it so the percentage saved place holder shows 0 if nothing is saved instead of it being blank please?
This is a nice idea
Hi Richard,
thanks for the feedback. This makes sense. I will check this and implement it for the next update.
Is it possible to remove the ratings if there are no available?
I think I must work with “if” and “else” in the template file but unfortunately I could not get it working.
Can you help me?
Hi Tobi,
thanks for your feedback.
Conditions like if/else are supported in the current version but this feature is already planned and will come with one of the next updates.
Hi there,
This is a great plugin but I’m also having problems with the stray paragraph tag. It appears just after the last paragraph e.g. in the default template this would be the available sellers line.
31 used & new available from £2.45
Hi Kate,
could you send me an URL where I can see what you mean? Maybe I can help you customizing a template which betters fits to your theme.
Hi Timo, I’m trying to get the plugin to work but it just won’t. I’ve already entered my Access Key info, and the “plugin status” shows “Ready”.
However, when I try to use the shortcode in a post, or add items to a collection, the product information just shows up completely blank – no image, no price, no rating, just the ASIN number which I’ve entered.
Hi Kyle,
thanks for your feedback. Did you set the country code to the store you are using? Empty information can happen if you eg use a ASIN from the US store but the plugin is set to the german store.
You could activate the debugging mode in the setup panel temporarily, refresh your a page where the problems occur and send me the contents of the output.
Hi Timo,
many thanks for your great plugin – however, it can’t get the product description of books, or is there any way to fetch this info from
Hi Ben,
thanks for your feedback.
For some products in some country’s stores there is no description. The Amazon API behaves differently from store to store. Which store and ASIN do you use in your case? – hardcover books just have the ISBN which I use; the plugin gets everything except the description
A Placeholder for a link to the ratings would be useful. Could you add such?
Actually i’m using a workaround but i lack of a placeholder for my tracking ID.
{$TotalReviews} customer reviews)
Many thanks!
Sorry, forgot to escape the HTML Code. Workaround:
<a href=”{$ASIN}/?tag=%MY_TRACKING_ID%” target=”_blank”>{$TotalReviews} customer reviews)</a>
Do you mean {$IFrameURL}? It is the last item in the list above.
Haven’t seen this code. Anyway it’s not what i mean. {$IFrameURL} links to some strange minimalistic reviews page, not the original one
is there any way to integrate the add to cart link into your plugin? e.g. to have the ASIN and my tracking ID automatically inserted in this code:
any workaround?
sorry, code not displayed – I mean the one on this page:
Sure. You can customize your default template as explained in the guide
Insert the code from the Amazon tutorial an replace the ASINs with {$ASIN} and “ihre_partner_id” with your tracking ID.
Related to Add to Cart: Is there a way to get the SessionID with AWS? And integrate a Placeholder for it in ASA? In regular iFrame single Product links Amazon includes a SessionID. When User click the “Buy it from Amazon” Button, the Product gets instant added to Amazon Shopping Cart. When we use the Code mentioned above (which is quite the same as used in the single product iFrame, exept the missing SessionID), User lands on a Page where he must confirm to Add the product to Shoppingcart with an aditional click. Having the Product instant added to shopping… Read more »
Could anyone find a solution to Holgers question? I think this would be a great income booster for all of us.
@Timo: I realy like your plugin!
Hi Benjamin,
thanks for using ASA. I am working on ASA 2 right now and maybe I can add this feature to it.
Hi Holger,
sorry, I missed your comment. Maybe I could implement such a feature in ASA 2, which is in beta test right. Would you like to join the test? If so, please send me a message via the contact form.
Really love this plug-in, though I had to tweak AsaCore.php ever so slightly to make it support 3 more user-defined placeholders: “{$UsrArg1}”, “{$UsrArg2}”, and “{$UsrArg3}”. I need these in combination with customized tpl files. Here’s what I use them for: “{$UsrArg1}” – I pass an html “alt” tag value here. Without it all my amazon images would have an empty alt tag. “{$UsrArg2}” – Here I pass the pixel width of the image I want it scaled to. “{$UsrArg3}” – I don’t actually need a 3rd one yet, but I’m sure I’ll find a use for it eventually 🙂 Here’s… Read more »
Can you include an option to include customer reviews? Also can you add an option to display similar products?
Hi jennifer,
thanks for your feedback. Including the customer reviews is not possible as Amazon does not provide the data. You can only link to the user review page with the placeholder {$IFrameURL}
Similar products will be added to the wishlist 😉
Hey Timo, thanks for your awesome plugin. Does a great job!
Hi Jan, thanks for using it! 😉
Just working on implementing your plugin, really nice work! One question though: when using {$IFrameURL}, I noticed a parameter in the url like exp=…. Does that mean that your cookie will expire at that time? Would be a good reason to set cache very low… (not good) So I think I prefer to work with Andreas’ workaround (see above), do you know if that’s good trackable code for Amazon? I don’t see the exp=… parameter when using {$AmazonUrl} Does that mean that I can safely use cache, and cookie expiration time will only start when the customer first clicks the… Read more »
Hi Oliver,
the IFrameURL comes from Amazon completely. ASA does not change it. From the time of a request the IFrameURL is valid 24 hours, I think.
The same for AmazonUrl. The plugin does not change the url delivered from Amazon.
You can safely use the cache for AmazonUrl. If you want to cache IFrameURL, cache lifetime should not exceed 24 hours. But thats just what I think and I do not use the IFrameURL placeholder on any site.
Ok, thanks, good to know.
Any idea on the url that Andreas’ workaround is producing? ({$ASIN}/?tag=%MY_TRACKING_ID% )
Will Amazon be able to track that?
[…] […]
What about copyright? I tried using the placeholder for release date, but that field is empty on every item I’m promoting. There must be one somewhere as Amazon shows copyright in several places throughout the site. Any ideas?
I tried adding custom comments to the ASA tag, but what I get displayed is not my comment, but the Amazon description of the book.
[asa comment="Hello world"] is what I tested.
Any ideas?
I have a problem using a custom template and comment.
Using this: [asa product comment="Hello World"]ASIN[/asa]
did not display my template, the default template is shown.
Using this without a comment worked. My idea is, using comment and custom template didn’t work?
Hi Matze,
please try to separate the template name and the option by comma. This should work:
[asa product, Comment="Hello World"]ASIN[/asa]
If not, please contact me via the contact form (dort auch gerne auf deutsch).
Hey Timo,
tolles Plugin, vielen Dank. Was ich vermisse ist ein Placeholder um den Lagerbestand anzeigen zu lassen (zB. 20 auf Lager). Wäre vielleicht noch eine sinnvolle Erweiterung 🙂
Hi Stephan,
danke für den Hinweis. Ich werde mal sehen, was sich machen lässt 🙂 Ich glaube diese Information ist nur in dem Sinne verfügbar, wenn nur noch wenige Produkte auf Lager sind.
Hi Timo,
richtig. Ist bei Pflanzen zB interessant. Geht die Pflanzzeit zu Ende, nimmt das Angebot ab. Ist bestimmt ganz nett für die Conversion (Nur noch X auf Lager 🙂
Viele Grüße und schönes WE
Ja, stimmt. Hast du eine Beispiel ASIN? Denn ich meine, das müsste auch jetzt schon gehen.
Hi Timo,
natürlich doch: B0096AY47K
Viele Grüße
Und? Geht das oder geht das noch nicht? 🙂
Also aktuell geht es nicht. Hab es mit der ASIN nachgestellt und der Wert dafür ist nicht im Ergebnis enthalten. Werde weiterhin nachforschen, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt z.B. die Abfrageergebnisse zu erweitern oder ähnliches…
Hi, can you give sample how to use if/else in the template files ?
This plugin is great and simple to use.
One complication is on my website,, (at bottom of post) It shows # of reviews and ratings for some products but not all.
The number of products and which products it shows this data for varies.
Hi David,
thanks for using ASA. I will check those products and see if I can find an answer for this behavior.
I tested it but cannot reproduce it. All ratings get loaded. Can you tell me how exactly you implemented the products? Please use the contact form for further details (
I’m trying to test your plugin out but when I insert [asa]ASIN[/asa] in my posts but all it displays in the front end is the actual code [asa]ASIN[/asa].
I don’t know if it’s a common issue or if it is because I’m using WordPress Multisite but I can’t see why it would be an issue since I have to setup the plugin in each subsite anyway…
If you have any idea that’d be great.
Many thanks
Hi Kelty,
thanks for your feedback. I checked my plugin with multisite use and it works. But I had a problem when I entered the asa shortcode in the visual editor. It resulted in:
which can’t get rendered by ASA. Please check your shortcode in the text editor to see if there are any interfering HTML tags.
Hello, I’ve installed today the plugin and it is great. Thanks! I think I’ve found a bug… If the product is sold on the marketplace the saved amount is calculated from the listed amazon price. Anyway I’m not interested in the marketplace so is it possible to use only the price of the product sold by Amazon?
Thanks, Fabio
Hi Fabio,
thanks for your feedback. I’ll check that and let you know.
Thanks Timo! 🙂
Hello Timo, any news for me? Thanks! 🙂
Sorry, I did not forget it, was just very busy. Expect an answer by tomorrow.
No problem Timo. Thanks! 🙂
To access the current price disregarding the marketplace, this placeholder should help you:
Hi Timo,
besteht die Möglichkeit PHP-Code in den htm-templates zu verwenden? Ich habe es mit einem echo versucht, klappt leider nicht.
Ich wollte ein benutzerdefiniertes Feld im Template anzeigen lassen (wenn es ausgefüllt wurde).
Ok, das mit dem PHP hat sich erledigt.
Nun habe ich aber das Problem, dass die Templates nicht vollständig laden.
Jedes Mal wenn ich die Seite neu lade fehlt ein anderer Teil. Mal sind es Bilder, mal Preis und mal alles.
Ist solch ein Problem bereits bekannt?
Danke und Gruß
erstmal ist das ein tolles Plugin, vielen Dank dafür.
Ich versuche gerade mit TablePress eine Tabelle zu basteln, in der ich verschiedene Produkte miteinander vergleiche. Toll wäre, wenn ich in einer der Zellen auch den aktuellen Preis des jeweiligen Produkts anzeigen könnte.
Gibt es eine Funktion, die nur den {$LowestOfferFormattedPrice} ausgibt?
Hi Sina,
ja, das ist möglich. Dafür musst du dir nur ein eigenes Template anlegen, das nur den Platzhalter für den Preis enthält. Dieses Template musst du dann im ASA Shortcode nutzen, den du in TablePress einfügst, z.B. [asa preis]ASIN[/asa] wenn dein Template preis.htm heißt.
Wie das mit den Templates funktioniert, kannst du im Guide nachlesen:
Super, vielen Dank für den Tipp. Das funktioniert wirklich gut.
Great plugin, thank you for your hard work. Any chance you could add an AuthorURL placeholder?
Hi Ted, thanks for your feedback. What exactly do you mean with AuthorURL, the profile page of the WordPress user?
No, sorry I should have been clearer. I meant the author of a book on Amazon. On an Amazon book listing the Author name is usually a link to display other works by the same author. Just thought that could be useful. Thanks.
That would definitely be useful, but unfortunately the API does not deliver the URL to the author page. Nevertheless I’ll add your point to the feature request list and I will see if there is any chance to retrieve this information.
If I want to use this code: {$MediumImageWidth} for a product a example “098812bh”
How is the full code? How I can make to appear my product with medium image ?
Hi Andrew,
to embed the medium image into your template, you can use HTML code like this:
Is that what you were looking for? How you can create custom templates is described in the guide:
Hallo Thimo, vielen Dank für das tolle Plugin!
Leider bekomme ich aktuell bei {AmazonPrice} immer den günstigsten Preis im Marketplace ohne Versandkosten ausgegeben – gibt es eine Möglichkeit, das zu ändern? Entweder in den Preis von Amazon, oder aber in den günstigsten Preis inklusive Versandkosten?
Sorry, ich meinte natürlich “Timo”… Alte Gewohnheit danke eines Bekannten namens “Thimo”. 😉
Hi Lukas,
kein Problem 🙂 Versandkosten sind nicht möglich, die werden von der Amazon API nicht übermittelt. Wenn du nur den Amazon Preis ausgeben möchtest, kannst du den Platzhalter {$OffersMainPriceAmount} nutzen. Für {AmazonPrice} wird der günstigste Neupreis ausgegeben, falls es keinen Amazon Preis gibt.
Mit ASA 2 kannst du mit Bedingungen arbeiten und selbst darauf Einfluss nehmen, welcher Preis angezeigt wird. 🙂
Hi, ich möchte eigentlich nur Produktbilder von Amazon verwenden und habe gelesen, dass ich ohne die API und dieses Plugin nicht mehr als 100 solcher Bilder verwenden darf (warum ist mir nicht ganz klar). Jedenfalls wüsste ich gerne, wie ich mit diesem Plugin Bilder in der Größe 150×150 anzeigen kann. Wie sieht der Shortcode aus? Könntest du mir bitte mit diesem ASIN Code B00KH6PG6U als Beispiel erklären, wie der Shortcode aussehen muss. Dem AndrewA hast du diesen Code als Antwort gepostet <img src=“{$MediumImageUrl}” width=“{$MediumImageWidth}” height=“{$MediumImageHeight}”> Jedoch werde ich da nicht ganz schlau draus. Wo genau muss denn hier die URL hin und… Read more »
Also für deinen Fall der kleinen Bilder eignet sich eher das SmallImage. Dann musst du nur noch einen Link darum setzen und fertig:
Wie du dir dafür ein eigenen Template anlegen kannst, erfährst du im Step by Step Guide unter
Ich hoffe, das hilft dir weiter.
Hallo Timo,
Ich versuche deinen Code mit Template und Comment einzufügen. Im Editor klappt das einwandfrei – wenn ich es jedoch direkt im Template probiere, mit “do_shortcode”, dann zeigt er mir gar nichts an.
Kannst du mir helfen? Dankeschön schonmal.
Hi Chris,
sorry für die späte Antwort. Hast du es mittlerweile hingekriegt? Dein Code sieht korrekt aus. Kannst mir gerne mal dein Skript schicken. Evtl. steckt der Fehler im Detail.
Timo thanks for the wonderful plugin.
I’m having difficulties with the following products. They just don’t show anything.
I don’t have problems with other products.
Thank you.
Hi Francisco,
I get a result for the second ASIN in the german store. But not for the first one. Where did you get the first one from?
Hi Timo,
Thanks for the replay.
I got both ASIN from the US store (
I tested both ASINs and they are invalid at least for the US store. This is the API response I get for both items:
Hi Timo,
klasse Plugin das du da anbietest. Ist es denn auch möglich über eine Variable den Grundpreis, wie er z.B. bei Flüssigkeiten benötigt wird, auszulesen?
Hi Marco,
kannst du mir die ASIN eines beispielhaften Produktes nennen, das diese Information bereit stellt?
Kein Problem. ASIN: B00FKZ0OYM
Witzig, das steht bei mir in der Küche 🙂
Du meinst so eine Angabe wie EUR 12,85 / kg?
Ja, die Samen sind schwer im Kommen. 🙂 Genau die Angaben meinte ich. Grundpreisangaben sind seit 2014 Pflichtangaben in Online-Shops, Preisvergleichsseiten, etc. pp, – Nur gibt es bisher kein Plugin, Theme oder was auch immer für WordPress, dass dieses Problem gelöst hat.
Ich habe im XML Ergebnis von der Amazon Schnittstelle leider keine verwendbare Information für diese Angabe gefunden. Ich bleibe aber dran und schaue was sich machen lässt.
Super, danke dir!
Hi Timo
this is an awesome plugin! You can be sure to see a paypal donation soon from me!!!
Now just a quick question.
Is there a way to format the {$AmazonUrl}? I would like to see it underlined and strong.
I’m not an HTML-Pro but have some knowledge. I created my own template and it works great except the URL won’t display in strong letters (I added my website URL, if you want to look at it. The Amazon Link is right below the table).
Danke fuer deine Hilfe (bin auch aus Deutschland, aber lebe in USA).
Hi Thomas, thanks for your feedback. This is a matter of CSS. To address the title in your template, you could add this CSS to your themes style.css or any other custom CSS: .asa_product_box a { font-weight: bold; } But this would affect all links in the box. If you already use a custom template, you could add a new class only to the product link, like: <a href="{$AmazonUrl}" target="_blank" class="asa2_product_link">{$Title}</a> and then improve the CSS like this: .asa_product_box a.asa2_product_link { font-weight: bold; } I hope this helps. Otherwise please contact me via the contact form. (Dann können wir die… Read more »
That worked perfectly! I’m just not so good with CSS.
Vielen, vielen Dank!
I install on a test site.
The product shows up. In page created it shows default template if that matters.
I have tried this in a post with same issue
How do I get the product description in the box
[asa ProductDescription]B005617MRM[/asa]
I have looked for hours to find an answer.
Hi Roger,
the product description is not part of the default template. But you can easily create your own custom template. Please read the guide about how this works:
You should have to insert the placeholder {$ProductDescription} in your custom template.
Thank you,
I did read that section but now get it.
just a little coding.
Thanks for the plug in.
It is a solution for people who have an amazon webstore that amazon is discontinuing and we want to show our own products.
I have a amazon pro account with products and a separate affiliate account. I can build a small wordpress store and point to my own products with out doing all the amazon MWS integration.
Hi Roger,
thanks for your feedback. If you have any special demands as an Amazon pro account user, please contact me via my contact form. I will try to add some special features for Amazon sellers in ASA 2, which will be available soon.
[…] vollständige Liste der über die API mithilfe von AmazonSimpleAdmin abrufbaren Werte lässt sich hier […]
Gibt es mittlerweile eine Möglichkeit, auch Variationspreise (z.B. bei Bekleidung) anzeigen zu lassen?
PS: Danke für das coole Plugin 😀
Thanks you very much for the great plugin. I have tried many Amazon affiliate plugin and I stopped when I find out your plugin.
The best thing I love in this plugin is its ability to flexible customization.
I wish this plugin had more than one $comment so I use custom class as my second custom comment.
Thanks you again.
Hej I like the plugin a lot, but for some reason the code {$AmazonDescription} is not working for me. Without that feature I am dependent on the product description which is not always available or poorly available. Do you have a fix for this issue?
Thanks for your feedback. I guess your issue with {$AmazonDescription} is the same like with the product description. That text is not delivered from the API for every product. Can you please send me one or more ASINs with which those problems occur?
Thank you Timo, basically every ASIN I use doesn’t work with the {$AmazonDescription} shortlink. Here is a choice:
Would be very usefull, if you could help me fixing this problem, because this is the most important info for the product.
Hi Kaare,
I checked the API response of those ASINs. There is no Amazon description delivered. The only description texts for those products are available with placeholders {$ProductDescription} or {$EditorialReview}.
Hej Timo,
What does the Amazondescription link cover then?
For me the most important description is the one on top of every amazon page right beside the picture, is there a way to get this text with a short link?
Would be a great help to see what shortlink covers what area on an Amazonpage.
Also I sometimes get english descriptions on the german Amazon page or very bad translated texts. Any idea how to circumvent these?
{$AmazonDescription} contains a special product description written by Amazon. {$ProductDescription} is the description text provided by the manufacturer. There may be both, there may be none. That depends on the product. The text must not be delivered via the API although there is one on the product page. ASA has no influence on it.
{$Model} wont work
also {$ProductDescription} and {$AmazonDescription} wont work
Yes, those are currently not supported by Amazon’s PA API 5.0.